The Vision

We want to engage and explore this issue of the climate crisis. We are excited to develop a community of like-minded individuals that care for the future of the planet and want to contribute to the conversation. How can we take important action that will bring about lasting change?

We live in uncertain times and the environmental issues we face are quite intimidating. The Climate Compass is a collective that is set on creatively exploring our changing world. Looking at interesting and fresh ways of having a conversation about the environment, that doesn't send you to sleep!

Our Approach

Youtube is now the second biggest search engine and over half the population is on social media. Using these avenues of distribution has become an essential way of sharing information that is so vitally needed. It has become the most powerful and immediate way of communicating to a large audience to help turn the tide on the biggest issue of our time.

Knowledge is the route of change and helping to spread valuable information in a way that really sinks in is so important. Real change doesn't come about by being told what to do but from an inner understanding of what is needed. We are dedicated to sharing vital information about the climate, helping to voice much-needed conversations in this uncertain time.